10 new STViewScan 4 Microfilm Scanners have arrived at the National Library of Australia ready for installation.
DatacomIT’s were recently successful in its response to the National Library of Australia’s tender for the supply, installation and ongoing support and maintenance of new Microform reader/scanners for use in the libraries – 9 devices in the newspaper reading room and 1 device in the document delivery area. The implementation and training for these new devices was completed in late June and since this time Library patrons have enjoyed both the ease-of-use, and the high-quality images from the STViewScan4 microform scanner.
DatacomIT’s STViewscan product specialist provided onsite training for the library staff, as well as supporting them and the public on the first day in the public reading room. This training and support is a key part of DatacomIT’s service delivery, ensuring that the STViewScan4 is operated correctly and with confidence, and that all staff are able to assist library patrons with digitising microfilm – a priceless asset.
Prior to the digital age, microfilm was the standard for document preservation. Now, thanks to the STViewScan4, historians, students, researchers and businesses can bring these documents to life, both easily and quickly.
Advances in computers and software allow this innovative microfilm scanner to instantly display high-resolution images, making browsing fast, clear and easy. The STViewScan4 can view microfilm, microfiche, aperture cards, jackets, and even colour negatives, transparencies and slides.
The STViewScan4 microfilm scanners have become an invaluable asset to the National Library of Australia, replacing their existing fleet of older devices.