by DatacomIT | May 23, 2023 | Digitisation, Microfilm Scanning, Scanning, Uncategorized
We’re thrilled to be part of such a significant project. The Australian Joint Copying Project (AJCP) is a collection of unique historical material relating to Australia, New Zealand and Pacific dating from 1560 to 1984. AJCP located and filmed thousands of...
by DatacomIT | May 23, 2023 | Microform Scanning
From early 1970s through to the late 90s councils preserved building and development application records by transferring them to microfilm and microfiche for archival purposes. The microform material has a recommended archival life as low as 30 to 40 years where...
by DatacomIT | May 23, 2023 | Digitisation, Document Scanning, Scanning
The University of Divinity promotes the highest standards of scholarship in theology, philosophy and ministry with eleven Colleges based in Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney. Through scholarship the University aims to address the issues of the contemporary world. Founded...
by DatacomIT | May 17, 2023 | Book Scanner, Book Scanning
Our two Marks (Mark Trippolt and Mark Anzellotti, DatacomIT technical engineers) had the pleasure of installing the latest CopiBook Open System Scanner for the lovely ladies at the University of Newcastle. They spent 2 days assembling and training the staff on the...
by DatacomIT | May 17, 2023 | Digitisation, Scanning
We’re thrilled and honoured to have been invited to sit (virtually) with Gale to discuss DatacomIT and our philosophy with our very own Richard Wilson leading the discussion. Richard Wilson (BDM at DatacomIT) is passionate about the digital preservation of rare and...